Family Reunions
Increasing Success & Reducing the Stress

Family is the most vital human connection there is. We all have this connection somewhere in our history and many of us are fortunate enough to have a living family which brings us many occasions for this special human connection. Unfortunately, many families in today’s busy society, don’t take advantage of these opportunities. They are missing moments of real joy, moments that make lasting and precious memories.
Keeping in contact with family is simple, when we make the effort. It used to take a lot of effort to keep in touch before the computer age; now it is simpler, quicker, and many times, more effective. But, by far the best and the most enjoyable way to keep in touch with family is by spending time with as many members of the family as possible.
This can be a real challenge and there is a great solution – The Family Reunion.
Our Heritage Magazine is responding to your interest in this topic with an ongoing series on Family Reunions – how to plan them, how to pull them off, how to enjoy them, and how to do all that and still love your family.
In our series, you will discover things like quick and easy methods of contacting family members, gathering contact information, preferences as to dates, places, etc., as well as some tips on planning meals, assigning community chores, organizing outings, great ways to keep in touch between reunions and much more.
We want to hear from you!
Have tips you would like to share with our readers?
Want to share your traditions?
Have pictures from reunions you would like to share?
Complete the form below and submit any photos you would like to share. Heritage is all about Who We Are, What We Bring to the World, and Where We Came From. We look forward to sharing your special memories and enriching our heritage together.